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Professional and Therapeutic
Uses of Auditory Bilateral Stimulation


Auditory  bilateral stimulation can be used to improve a wide range of troubling mental health symptoms that often result from difficult life experiences that can be difficult to simply "talk through" with the conscious mind.


Several forms of psychotherapy (including EMDR, Brainspotting and "Tapping In"( use bilateral stimulation to help heal severe emotional trauma and neglect.  These are sometimes referred to as “brain-based” or “bottom-up” therapies since they activate neurological processing in the deeper regions of the brain.  This differs from traditional psychotherapy which uses "mind-based" or "top-down" cognitive processing originating in the front part of the brain known as the cortex.  These brain-based techniques have been known to result in remarkable benefits in a wide variety of therapeutic applications.  


If you are a mental health professional who has received sufficient training in any of the above techniques, you will be pleased with the bilateral music of Alternating Sounds, LLC due to their innovative sonic properties.

Benefits of Bilateral Stimulation for Healing Professionals


Beyond the use in EMDR and Brainspotting, trained healing processionals can use acoustic bilateral stimulation to:


  • enhance therapeutic processing by simply having the client listen through headphones at a very soft level during the therapy session,


  • consolidate therapeutic gains by having the client listen to bilateral music after a session while reflecting or journaling about what took place in session,


  • improve client ability to access to positive internal resources,


  • facilitate general relaxation, self-awareness and all of the other benefits highlighted on this site


A person should never attempt to independently use bilateral stimulation to recover from major trauma, heal deeply embedded childhood wounds or integrate dissociated ego parts. This type of work is best accomplished with expert assistance. Helping professionals should advise clients to stop using bilateral stimulation if they begin to experience any sort of significantly distressing reaction. 


Please note that the latest release on the Alternating Sounds LLC label, "IMAGO: a bilateral journey of transformation", is NOT designed or recommended for use in EMDR or Brainspotting, for the reasons stated on the album description.


A Word about EMDR


EMDR is the only one of the above techniques that restricts its use to trained professionals, with no allowance for any form of self-administration. All of the other techniques are either specifically designed for solo use (in the case of "Tapping In") or modifiable for independent self-administration for certain purposes.  Please remember that a person should never attempt to independently use bilateral stimulation to recover from major trauma, heal deeply embedded childhood wounds or integrate dissociated ego parts.  This type of work requires professional assistance.

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